The Revenge of Juliet  

by Taylor Lyda

For you are not Romeo and I am no Juliet,

but our hearts are in tune with the same song.

It was October when we met, friends for a time.

Now our two worlds divide, we’re unsure where we belong.

I’m a doctor, you a farmer; separated by a line.

Drawn with the blood of our deceased family and friends.

Escaping through the rice fields, away from the evil soldiers,

everyone scared with no belongings, when will it ever end?

The Khmer Rouge is what they name it, Hitler of Asia.

Communists that made sure of agony, pain, fear, and death.

I can’t mute the ringing of that first gunshot

The warm red liquid racing from my father’s mouth, chasing his breath.

The heartache, the suffering, it washes over me like Nazare waves

Until I lock it in a tight little space and store the key.

My soul feels that your alive and I will find you somehow

I will unlock what I’ve reserved and together we will be free.

Maybe you were Romeo and I your Juliet, forbidden but true.

Don’t fret, my dear, they’ll soon find out the love between me and you.


Good in Blue   Hannah Shealy


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